Flip The Script was born out of a deep frustration with the current state of media and government manipulation. Here’s a deeper look into how and why I wrote this song.

The Inspiration

“Flip the Script” was inspired by my growing disillusionment with the media. After seeing one too many news reports that just seemed to be propaganda, I felt compelled to write about it. The song discusses government and media manipulation, urging you to question the information presented. I believe it’s crucial to ask ourselves whether what we’re being told is the truth or just a crafted narrative.

Media Manipulation and Division

One of the driving forces behind this song is my frustration with the division caused by different media sources in today’s information-saturated world. The media’s role in perpetuating hatred is alarming. There seems to be no middle ground anymore; you are either on one side or the other. Conversations are quickly shut down, and any questions are dismissed even quicker. Do you watch Fox news? or do you watch CNN? Where do you get your “Trusted” news from.

“A conversation should be about finding out more information and sharing your thoughts and opinions; it doesn’t need to be an argument because an argument is simply trying to win, not to find out what is correct.”

I do not trust any media source anymore, and I find it troubling that there are no repercussions for outright lies and deception. This constant manipulation and spread of misinformation remind me of George Orwell’s book “1984,” which feels more like a documentary in this day and age than the dystopian fiction it was meant to be.

I also take issue with not being able to ask questions. To me, if you are not hiding anything, then questions should be welcomed. But questions either get shut down or you get called a conspiracy theorist for even thinking outside of the narrative.

The Message

Through “Flip the Script,” I aim to highlight the importance of unity and understanding. We need to come together as a society and have a collective awakening to combat these agendas. The confusion between reality and propaganda makes it incredibly difficult to discern the truth. This song is my way of encouraging people to see beyond the surface and question the narratives they are fed. We all want the same things in the end, a safe place to live, clean water, food, and a society that gets along. I am not sure why we are bickering over every little detail. It’s like I am in this box and you are in that box, but if you don’t agree with everything I believe then you are now my enemy. I don’t, and will never subscribe to this point of view.

Collaboration with Adam Ramey

Adam Ramey from Dropout Kings features on the chorus, and he absolutely killed it. Adam’s voice is brutal yet melodic, and it ties the song together perfectly. I always appreciate working with Adam, he is an awesome vocalist and human being and one of the hardest working as well.

The Lyrics

The lyrics of “Flip the Script” delve into the difficulty of finding common ground, the need for unity or at least understanding, and the desire for change. In the face of chaos, each of us has the power to effect change. It’s time to flip the script and take control of our narratives.

“Flip the Script” is more than just a song; it’s a call to action. It’s about questioning the information we’re given and striving for unity in a divided world. By challenging the status quo and encouraging open dialogue, we can begin to bridge the gaps created by media and government manipulation. Let’s stand together, question everything, and flip the script.

If you enjoyed this insight into “Flip the Script,” make sure to follow me on my journey as an alternative metal musician. Keep questioning, keep uniting, and let’s create music that makes a difference.